Modernize your DMV Driving Tests with MVProctor

Verify drivers and secure online driving exams easily.

Say Hello to Remote Driving License Exams

Since 2022, MVProctor has verified and secured over 1,000,000 identities and driving exams.

Service Your Drivers Better.

Implementing MVProctor can enhance accessibility and convenience for individuals seeking to take the written driving test. It allows your citizens to complete the test from the comfort of their homes, reducing the need for their physical presence at a DMV office.

MVProctor minimizes the need for extensive in-person staff, enabling DMVs to allocate resources and budget effectively.

MVProctor streamlines exams with automation, cutting paperwork, manual check-ins, and physical ID checks, reducing overhead and boosting efficiency.

MVProctor allows for more simultaneous tests by overcoming physical space and proctor limitations, greatly increasing test administration capacity.

Read The Reviews

Adopted by California’s DMV

“MVProctor has transformed our testing process, allowing us to serve more drivers efficiently, reduce costs, and address health concerns while seamlessly integrating into our systems. An invaluable solution.” – DMV California

AI-Powered Remote Proctoring Software

With its seamless integration and comprehensive features, MVProctor is driving the transformation of traditional in-person testing into a modern and efficient experience for all involved.

Experience Our Product in Action